
Kind & Curious Investigation

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when you’re wondering who you are now.

About Nicki’s book:

“Hey Nicki, wow, what an amazing book to read! It arrived in the mail last night, I could not put it down until midnight, and I just read the remaining pages in an educational leadership meeting. I have read a number of books over the years and this would have to be one of the most powerful books I have read. Lots of ah-ha moments, familiarities, sense of hope, among other things.” - MJ

Narcissistic Abuse, Bullying, Trauma Nicki Paull Narcissistic Abuse, Bullying, Trauma Nicki Paull

Healing Shame After Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissists will shame us as an act of overt cruelty, gaining gratification from the sense of personal power that gives them.

Training in Mindful Self Compassion gives us powerful new tools - short daily mindfulness practices – that can change the mental habits of a life time with persistence and repetition. We can heal our shame.

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Trauma, Anxiety Nicki Paull Trauma, Anxiety Nicki Paull


Triggers can be directly addressed when our nervous system is in a relaxed and safe enough environment to do so. The traditional Tibetan practice of Chod is the perfect visualisation method for us to take the sting out of things we fear.

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Trauma Nicki Paull Trauma Nicki Paull

Treating PTSD

PTSD is notoriously difficult to treat. We pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and try a treatment that we've not yet tried. Keep Trying Everything

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Trauma Nicki Paull Trauma Nicki Paull

Complicated Emotions With Grief & Loss

The term, Complicated Grief implies that there must be such a thing as simple grief. Whilst no grief is simple and there are as many ways of grieving as there are mourners, some grief can involve loss which is life changing and devastating.

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Trauma Nicki Paull Trauma Nicki Paull

The Black Sheep

Jeanette’s experience of unengaged parenting and poor familial communication is anything but unique. Many people grow up as “the black sheep” of the family because they have learned differently to their parents or siblings.

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Growth, Trauma Nicki Paull Growth, Trauma Nicki Paull

People Change

Let's allow ourselves, for our own sakes, to see that people change. Let's assume that everything is impermanent - that we are inside a human existence inside a universe that is constantly shifting.

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