Kind & Curious Investigation
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when you’re wondering who you are now.
About Nicki’s book:
“Hey Nicki, wow, what an amazing book to read! It arrived in the mail last night, I could not put it down until midnight, and I just read the remaining pages in an educational leadership meeting. I have read a number of books over the years and this would have to be one of the most powerful books I have read. Lots of ah-ha moments, familiarities, sense of hope, among other things.” - MJ
Am I Being Abused?
Am I being abused? Conscientious, agreeable people sometimes don’t recognise another person’s patterns of behaviour as abusive. How to tell if you are in an abusive relationship.
Is Narcissistic Abuse the Same Thing as Coercive Control?
People high on the narcissism spectrum and coercive controllers tend to use similar tacticsto manipulate and control targets.
What is Narcissistic Abuse?
It’s shorthand for the inevitable harm caused by individuals who might qualify for a diagnosis of narcissist, sociopath or psychopath. Here’s the catch. Such individuals rarely receive a diagnosis.
What is Not Narcissism
Other things can cause people to behave in self-centred, disorganised, chaotic or maladaptive ways. The most obvious of these many possible causes is trauma.
Coping with Bullies and Their Cohorts in a Toxic Workplace
If you’re the target of a bully, you’ve seen what their dark side is like, but don’t expect everyone else to see that side of them. Bullies will use ‘plausible deniability’ to deny, deflect or reframe their actions to look as if they have positive motivations.
Is it Really Me That is the Narcissist?
It is easy to compensate for fawning by a 180 swing into defensive self-righteousness, grief-driven anger, and mistrustful avoidance of others through self-isolation.
Navigating the Healing Waltz
The dance of one step forward and two steps back in trauma recovery encapsulates the essence of resilience and growth. Survivors move through this intricate dance with courage, embracing progress and setbacks as integral parts of the journey.
Post-Separation Narcissistic Abuse
Among the many painful ways in which narcissistic abusers continue to cause distress to their ex-partners, ex-friends, ex-employees or children is the smear campaign.
Healing Shame After Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissists will shame us as an act of overt cruelty, gaining gratification from the sense of personal power that gives them.
Training in Mindful Self Compassion gives us powerful new tools - short daily mindfulness practices – that can change the mental habits of a life time with persistence and repetition. We can heal our shame.
Workplace Bullying
When Personal Power comes up against Positional Power, and the person with the Positional Power has many narcissistic traits, the drive to diminish the Personal Power of the other becomes almost an obsession – which is subsequently why the target of bullying feels targeted – because they are!
Know Thyself
Written over the entrance to the Ancient Temple at Delphi were words which could easily form the basis of modern trauma-recovery therapeutic interventions. Know Thyself. They are an exhortation to look first within our own character in order to understand our world.
Life With A Narcissist - Pushback
Narcissists respond badly when faced with any kind of pushback - rage, deflecting blame, reversing the narrative. A ‘win at all costs’ mentality belies the narcissistic hypersensitivity and delusion of high-spectrum narcissists.
Why Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome is Misdiagnosed
The chaos and despair that victims of narcopaths feel after sudden abandonment can resemble conditions other than trauma –including Depression, Generalised Anxiety Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder – and especially if the therapist is quick to judge the presenting issue as “just a break up”.
Treating PTSD
PTSD is notoriously difficult to treat. We pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and try a treatment that we've not yet tried. Keep Trying Everything
Abnormal Behaviour
Mental health changes such as depression, anxiety, grief, trauma or PTSD can lead to abnormal behaviour. Abnormal behaviour is a normal response to abnormal learning conditions.
Complicated Emotions With Grief & Loss
The term, Complicated Grief implies that there must be such a thing as simple grief. Whilst no grief is simple and there are as many ways of grieving as there are mourners, some grief can involve loss which is life changing and devastating.
The Black Sheep
Jeanette’s experience of unengaged parenting and poor familial communication is anything but unique. Many people grow up as “the black sheep” of the family because they have learned differently to their parents or siblings.
People Change
Let's allow ourselves, for our own sakes, to see that people change. Let's assume that everything is impermanent - that we are inside a human existence inside a universe that is constantly shifting.
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