
Kind & Curious Investigation

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when you’re wondering who you are now.

About Nicki’s book:

“Hey Nicki, wow, what an amazing book to read! It arrived in the mail last night, I could not put it down until midnight, and I just read the remaining pages in an educational leadership meeting. I have read a number of books over the years and this would have to be one of the most powerful books I have read. Lots of ah-ha moments, familiarities, sense of hope, among other things.” - MJ

Anxiety, Depression Nicki Paull Anxiety, Depression Nicki Paull

Are You Highly Sensitive?

In her 1996 book, psychologist, Elaine Aron first identified a type of person who it is estimated makes up about 15-20% of the population. They are not necessarily shy or introverted, and are not necessarily neurotic. But they are normally and naturally sensitive, deep thinkers, who essentially feel things more deeply than others.

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Growth, Anxiety Nicki Paull Growth, Anxiety Nicki Paull

Harsh Critics & What to Do About Them

Some of us have harsh, sarcastic or critical voices that are part of our own internal dialogue. These harsh inner voices are the result of conditioning. We learned this cruel internal discourse as we were growing up, from our parents, caregivers, teachers, peers or siblings.

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Trauma, Anxiety Nicki Paull Trauma, Anxiety Nicki Paull


Triggers can be directly addressed when our nervous system is in a relaxed and safe enough environment to do so. The traditional Tibetan practice of Chod is the perfect visualisation method for us to take the sting out of things we fear.

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