Kind & Curious Investigation
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when you’re wondering who you are now.
About Nicki’s book:
“Hey Nicki, wow, what an amazing book to read! It arrived in the mail last night, I could not put it down until midnight, and I just read the remaining pages in an educational leadership meeting. I have read a number of books over the years and this would have to be one of the most powerful books I have read. Lots of ah-ha moments, familiarities, sense of hope, among other things.” - MJ
Trust Issues in The Aftermath of Narcissistic Abuse
One of the most painful lessons from narcissistic abuse is the shock of discovering that the person in whom we invested the very best of our nature (love, kindness, generosity, loyalty) actually had a narcissistic hidden agenda.
Basic Dishonesty & Moral Injury
Moral injury is the deep inner wound that opens up when we experience things that we know to be unfair, unjust or wrong.
Avoidance, projection and denial are basic human strategies for avoiding pain. Narcissistic liars are unable to recognise the difference between Truth and Lie.
Invisible Things
Bullying and psychological abuse is all about the absence of things, rather than the presence of things.
People know when they are the victim of covert bullying and abuse.
The Perfect Storm
The Split from a narcissistic partner can create so much chaos as to be overwhelming for some people.
Survivors often must grapple with serious survival threats, as well as deep moral injury.
Workplace Bullying
When Personal Power comes up against Positional Power, and the person with the Positional Power has many narcissistic traits, the drive to diminish the Personal Power of the other becomes almost an obsession – which is subsequently why the target of bullying feels targeted – because they are!
Know Thyself
Written over the entrance to the Ancient Temple at Delphi were words which could easily form the basis of modern trauma-recovery therapeutic interventions. Know Thyself. They are an exhortation to look first within our own character in order to understand our world.
Life With A Narcissist
The in-built grandiosity and entitlement of the narcopath is so huge it is likely they genuinely experience the most minor of challenges or disagreement as a gross invasion to their superior self-image – a narcissistic injury.
The narcissist will claim the fight/race/election was rigged, rather than accept defeat. They must win at all costs.
Are You Highly Sensitive?
In her 1996 book, psychologist, Elaine Aron first identified a type of person who it is estimated makes up about 15-20% of the population. They are not necessarily shy or introverted, and are not necessarily neurotic. But they are normally and naturally sensitive, deep thinkers, who essentially feel things more deeply than others.
How I Work With Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic abuse by a life partner can be traumatising. It can cause deep moral injury, and leave a survivor experiencing a massive burden of loss, which needs to be grieved.
What I aim to do is to teach survivors how to be their own therapist by:
1. Orienting to strengths
2. Attending to pain
3. Taking charge of the narrative of their lives
Harsh Critics & What to Do About Them
Some of us have harsh, sarcastic or critical voices that are part of our own internal dialogue. These harsh inner voices are the result of conditioning. We learned this cruel internal discourse as we were growing up, from our parents, caregivers, teachers, peers or siblings.
Why Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome is Misdiagnosed
The chaos and despair that victims of narcopaths feel after sudden abandonment can resemble conditions other than trauma –including Depression, Generalised Anxiety Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder – and especially if the therapist is quick to judge the presenting issue as “just a break up”.
The Therapeutic Relationship
Counselling is: holding a healing space to support and empower a person to find the best way forward. My mission is to help people find their courage and confidence again, and get back behind the steering wheel of their lives.
Treating PTSD
PTSD is notoriously difficult to treat. We pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and try a treatment that we've not yet tried. Keep Trying Everything
Abnormal Behaviour
Mental health changes such as depression, anxiety, grief, trauma or PTSD can lead to abnormal behaviour. Abnormal behaviour is a normal response to abnormal learning conditions.
Complicated Emotions With Grief & Loss
The term, Complicated Grief implies that there must be such a thing as simple grief. Whilst no grief is simple and there are as many ways of grieving as there are mourners, some grief can involve loss which is life changing and devastating.
The Black Sheep
Jeanette’s experience of unengaged parenting and poor familial communication is anything but unique. Many people grow up as “the black sheep” of the family because they have learned differently to their parents or siblings.
People Change
Let's allow ourselves, for our own sakes, to see that people change. Let's assume that everything is impermanent - that we are inside a human existence inside a universe that is constantly shifting.
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