Kind & Curious Investigation
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when you’re wondering who you are now.
About Nicki’s book:
“Hey Nicki, wow, what an amazing book to read! It arrived in the mail last night, I could not put it down until midnight, and I just read the remaining pages in an educational leadership meeting. I have read a number of books over the years and this would have to be one of the most powerful books I have read. Lots of ah-ha moments, familiarities, sense of hope, among other things.” - MJ
Why Recovery Environment is So Important
Pathological relationships can make a person believe they are the worst version of themselves! Can you heal in the same environment that made you sick? Take a look at your environment.
Narcissists and Love
When a narcissist or psychopath uses the word, ‘love’, they don’t mean what we mean when we use it. Highly narcissistic people can only relate to the world by how it affects them personally. Love is just a word to them.
Are Narcissists Nice?
Narcissists have learnt over time to develop a charming, sophisticated public persona. Often, they don’t just appear as ‘normal nice’. But as everything you ever admired, respected and liked in a person. Unbelievably ‘nice’!
Am I Being Abused?
Am I being abused? Conscientious, agreeable people sometimes don’t recognise another person’s patterns of behaviour as abusive. How to tell if you are in an abusive relationship.
Is Narcissistic Abuse the Same Thing as Coercive Control?
People high on the narcissism spectrum and coercive controllers tend to use similar tacticsto manipulate and control targets.
What is Narcissistic Abuse?
It’s shorthand for the inevitable harm caused by individuals who might qualify for a diagnosis of narcissist, sociopath or psychopath. Here’s the catch. Such individuals rarely receive a diagnosis.
Coping with Bullies and Their Cohorts in a Toxic Workplace
If you’re the target of a bully, you’ve seen what their dark side is like, but don’t expect everyone else to see that side of them. Bullies will use ‘plausible deniability’ to deny, deflect or reframe their actions to look as if they have positive motivations.
Unmasking Gaslighting in the Workplace
Unintentional gaslighting can slowly corrode the fabric of a workplace, causing lasting damage to both individuals and the organisation as a whole.
Post-Separation Narcissistic Abuse
Among the many painful ways in which narcissistic abusers continue to cause distress to their ex-partners, ex-friends, ex-employees or children is the smear campaign.
Trust Issues in The Aftermath of Narcissistic Abuse
One of the most painful lessons from narcissistic abuse is the shock of discovering that the person in whom we invested the very best of our nature (love, kindness, generosity, loyalty) actually had a narcissistic hidden agenda.
Basic Dishonesty & Moral Injury
Moral injury is the deep inner wound that opens up when we experience things that we know to be unfair, unjust or wrong.
Avoidance, projection and denial are basic human strategies for avoiding pain. Narcissistic liars are unable to recognise the difference between Truth and Lie.
Invisible Things
Bullying and psychological abuse is all about the absence of things, rather than the presence of things.
People know when they are the victim of covert bullying and abuse.
Start your journey
Why not take the leap and make an enquiry contact today?